Child Creations

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Forehead Thermometer vs Traditional Thermometers

Mom with Thermee 2 All Ages Rounded V222It is never fun when someone is sick, especially if that someone is one of our children. We worry and wonder what may be the problem and do everything we know how to, to ease their symptoms. But before we can help them, we have to know what we are dealing with. Most often we will reach for a thermometer to start the process and to help us decide whether we need to rush our little patient to the emergency room or not.

However, not all thermometers are the same. Some are very uncomfortable and invasive, like the rectal thermometer. And the old-fashioned under the tongue ones can be difficult to use with young children and can also be frightening to an already upset youngster – how many times has your child thrown a fit over getting their temp taken?

Thank goodness there is a new “breed” of thermometers on the market today. These take the hassle and guess work out of getting an accurate temperature.

The Forehead Thermometer

Main-Image-Thermometer-V1This nifty little invention is accurate and non-invasive – it’s almost like something out of Star Trek. You simply depress the button and scan your child’s forehead. There is no contact made, it simply measures the infrared energy emitted from your little tikes forehead. Perfect for checking up on them in the middle of the night.

The thing I really like about the Forehead Thermometer is there is no way to transfer germs, as you never have to touch the patient. Plus, you don’t have to wash or clean it in between uses.

In addition, they have also made the Forehead Thermometer to measure the temperature of the milk in your baby’s bottle. No more shaking it on your wrist, this thermometer simply scans the outer bottle, the same way you would do on your child’s forehead.

The Drawbacks of the Forehead Thermometer?

Flying-Unit-thermomter-V1Since the Forehead Thermometer measures heat being emitted from your child’s skin, you have to be sure they are not sitting near a light source. Many children may have lamps by the bed or on the headboards, if these are shining directly on your child, you may get a false reading.

In addition, to assure an accurate measure, be sure to let the thermometer come to room temperature before you use it. This can be a problem if you store the device in a cool area, then bring it into a warmer room to know more information about this product visit this link

All-in-all, the Forehead Thermometer is a great invention that is sure to replace all those old digital ones on the market today. They save you a lot of time, hassle and worry when it comes to helping your child feel better. Get yours on their amazon page

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My Top Favorite Uses for My Stainless Steel Food Jar

What if I told you, you could have a healthy, tasty lunch or snack for a fraction of the price of fast food, plus, you can have it wherever you go? Too good to be true? Not at all. When you have stainless steel food jars, your days of eating soggy, barely edible food are over.

07 3D BoxThese food jars have revolutionized the way we view brown-bagging it. They come in a compact 10 ounce size, have a non-slip and scratch resistant body, a wide mouth for easy filling and dining from, as well as a Thermax double wall lining – this is the key to keeping your hots hot and your colds cold – not all food containers can say the same.

So why do you absolutely need a stainless steel food jar? Not only will your food taste better and stay fresh longer, you will never stop putting these handy “funtainers” to use. Check out my top 10 uses for my stainless steel food jar.


Cartoon1If you have little ones, then you have got to get at least one of these stainless steel food jars. Imagine sending your child to school with a nice hot homemade lunch or yummy leftovers from last night’s casserole, over a salty pre-made lunch package. Your kids will never want to trade away a lunch put in their stainless steel food container. These food jars are perfect for tossing in fresh fruit or veggies, hot soups, stews or even juices or hot chocolate. The convenient size will fit perfectly into backpacks, gym bags, travel cup holders or purses.

Take them along for a quick snack after your child’s sports practice, dance lessons or when you drop them off at the babysitters. Fresh tasty snacks don’t have to be a hassle to pack when you have a stainless steel food jar.

Made to Travel

06 Jar with Hot Food in it (photoshop)Even if you don’t have children, these stainless steel food jars are still a must-have. Take them along on day trips to the park, zoo or beach. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a great lunch or snack without paying the high prices of a street vendor? If you love to hike, bike or fish in areas where you don’t have anywhere to eat, then these food containers are perfect. Take along some hot food in one, fresh fruit, pudding or even pie in another, while adding your beverage (coffee, tea or juice) to the third – this terrific trio equals a fresh and fabulous lunch alternative. Get a group of these stainless steel food jars all working for you and you have a picnic spread like no other.

Stop choking back soggy or unhealthy food when all you have to do is grab a stainless steel food jar. They are guaranteed to help you save money, time and calories when you pack a wholesome lunch. Fast food may be convenient, but it can’t compare to fresh food made at home with love and placed into a food jar that is sure to keep it the way it was intended – delicious get yours now at!


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The Back Seat Mirror, AKA the Back Seat BabySitter

sketch-colored-version-2.1-e1399530301858Anyone with kids knows it’s tough to concentrate on driving when you have little ones (or teens) in the back seat of the car – kids in small cramped spaces tend to get on each other’s nerves after a while. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to see exactly what is going on back there, without having to turn around in your seat? Well I have good news, you can have your very own “backseat babysitter” without jamming another person in the back of your vehicle. This handy little invention is called, the Back Seat Mirror and it may just save you a lot of time and stress visit this link for more details..

The Back Seat Mirror to the Rescue

image-5The Back Seat Mirror is, perhaps, one of the simplest inventions, yet it is so practical and inexpensive, every vehicle should have one. This handy device consists of an extra large mirror, a swivel ball and durable straps. All you do is strap it to the headrest of the backseat passenger side, adjust the swivel ball until you can see the mirror in your rearview mirror and let the show n’ tell begin.

If you have an infant, the Back Seat Mirror can be positioned so you can see head-to-toe of your precious cargo in his or her rear facing car seat. This is great for when your baby is fussing or to just have peace-of-mind that all is well back there. For older children, this mirror will let you know if they are annoying each other or getting into something they shouldn’t be. The Back Seat Mirror is even great if you have pets in your car. No more chewing of the upholstery when you have your back seat babysitter on duty!

The Back Seat Mirror Is Perfect for…?

image-3-sampleAfter I installed and fell in love with my Back Seat Mirror, I bought one for my best friend’s baby shower. She loved it and it will definitely outlast any of the onesies and toys the baby received, plus it gives my friend the peace-of-mind when she is driving around with her baby. In addition, if her little one is cranky and will only settle with a car ride, as so many tend to get, the Back Seat Mirror will let her know if the baby has finally fallen asleep or if she has to take another trip around the neighborhood.

The Back Seat Mirror is also perfect for grandparents, babysitters, or anyone that will have your children in their car. Trust me, this handy device has saved me a lot of stress and heartache, even in the short time I’ve had it in place – I have even found myself using it when I have tippy groceries or other items (like my gorgeous potted fern I found at a steal) – I can keep an eye on these things to make sure nothing has fallen off-kilter.

The Back Seat Mirror is a must-have for everyone you can grab it here Trust me, whether you have kids, animals or just cargo in your back seat, this mirror will come in handy for all occasions.

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Eco-Friendly Thermoplast Baby Bibs Are the Number One Choice for Parents

foodAre you a parent or caregiver of a child 6 months to 3 years-old? Are you tired of those raggy and ineffective cloth bibs that hold onto stains and bacteria? Then I have great news! TPE (called Thermoplastic by the scientists) Baby Bibs are making their way to the top of the must-have list for toddlers everywhere and are soon going to make those old bibs a thing of the past click this link to know more about this product

Earth-Friendly Means Baby-Friendly

gift-ideas-with-papers-V4TPE Baby Bibs are revolutionizing the way people feed their children. Not only are they making them more convenient than traditional cloth bibs, but also eco-friendly. Thermoplastic bibs are made from 100 percent all-natural, food-grade materials and are free from all those nasty additives – BPA, Lead, Latex, PVC and Phthalates – over time, these can become toxic and harmful to little bodies. In addition, these bibs are super-soft and pliable, which means no harm can be done to your child if they were to chew or tug on them.

Smart Design

sheep2One of the smartest features that has been added to TPE Baby Bib is the catch-all pouch. This little “trough” of sorts catches all those dribbles and messes that tend to escape the beginning-eater’s mouth or hands. And being made from

Thermoplastic, the bib will always keep fluids or spills from soaking into your baby’s clothes. No more stains!


These bibs are also scoring high points with the ease of which they clean up after your child. Simply take the bib off your toddler and dump the lost food and spills into the sink or garbage. Now rinse it under hot water, or place in soapy dishwater to clean, then set aside to air dry. What could be easier than that? You’re right, the dishwasher can and we have you covered there as well. We’ve thought of everything for these awesome bibs.


IMG_2005With these Bibs, their nature of being waterproof and soft makes them so convenient for the busy moms, dads or caretakers. With super-soft and pliable TPE, these bibs will roll right up and can be stashed away most anywhere. Take one with you to the park, in the car, out for meals or snacks or even in the stroller for a long walk. These bibs can be tucked into anything or anywhere. A fussy baby is an unhappy baby so always be ready to feed your hungry toddler on a moments notice, without worrying about a messy and dirty clean-up afterwards.

Why waste another moment with those old disgusting cloth baby bibs that wear out and look horrible overtime? Grab a package of TPE Baby Bibs on their amazon page and see what a difference this small change makes at mealtimes. Most stores sell them in a package of three, so you will always have one on hand, one to travel with and one to leave with the grandparents or babysitter. So simple and affordable, you’ll never go back to cloth bibs again.


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Ideas And Advice To Help You Parent

baby-17343_640Mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins and best friends has an idea about how you should be a parent. While advice from other parents can be useful, it’s a lot easier to digest when you’re not being commanded to act! Read below for some advice from parents who’ve been there, but are not telling you what to do.

It is important that you recognize the signs that your child is ready to start using the toilet. By pushing them to use it when they are not ready, you can actually delay the whole process. Some signs of readiness include having regular bowel movements, staying dry for at least two consecutive hours, and coming out and asking to use the potty.

To encourage breastfeeding in an infant, offer your child plenty of skin to skin contact. Skin to skin contact makes a young infant feel content. It also allows them to smell Mom’s milk and so, want to breastfeed more. The feeling of bonding and closeness that skin to skin contact facilitates is also great for Mom, as it reduces stress.

Large group of foodsIt is crucial that you get your child interested in vegetables as soon as they are able to eat them. By not giving your child vegetables at this time of their life, they are not going to want to eat them when they get older, which prevents them from getting proper nutrients and vitamins.

When learning to discipline your child, do not make threats that you will not go through with. For instance, if your child throws his toy, do not say you are going to throw the toy away, if you are not going to do it. If your child knows you will not really do something, there is really, no need to listen.

If you need to put an eye drop in your child’s eyes, place them on their back and lay a toy on their stomach. This will cause them to look down and allow you the opportunity to put a drop of medicine on the inner part of their eye. When your baby glances back up toward you, the drop will go in without any problems.

Watching 3D MovieTVs falling on children happens more than you would like to imagine it does. In the age of big screen TV’s, it is more important than ever to secure your television sets. The best place for a television is mounted to the wall, but if this is not an option, bolt it down to the entertainment center. Making sure your home is safe for your little ones is an essential part of parenting.

A great rainy-day project to do with your little ones, is making macaroni masterpieces. Take pieces of construction paper, elbow macaroni, child-safe glue, and crayons and lay them out on the table. Let your little one color the pieces of construction paper, and then help him glue the macaroni to his drawing. He will be proud to see his own macaroni masterpieces hung from the refrigerator for all to see.

You should take the advice above and merge it all into a parenting encyclopedia in your mind or visit this link to learn more products that can help you to become a good parents or directly visit this site It’s great to look at situations others have dealt with to see what you can learn from them. It will make you a much better parent just for caring enough to want to learn!

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Stop Making Parenting Too Tough With This Important Advice

adult-17315_640One thing that you do not have a lot of when you become a parent is time. This is why you need to start learning now about the best parenting techniques, before you have children. Follow the advice in this article and you will be well on your way to being a good parent.

Look into slings and baby carriers designed for twins. They do exist, and they are fabulous. There is a learning curve for getting two babies into a carrier, but the benefits to mom and baby are enormous. Wearing your babies will allow you to get things done with your hands free, and the twins get the emotional connection and intellectual stimulation from being right with you.

For young children, don’t underestimate the power of naps. They need more sleep than an older kid. Children can usually stop napping around five or six years old. Young toddlers should be taking up to two naps a day, and children 1.5 and older should still be taking one nap per day.

An important tip for young parents is to make time each day to read to your child. Exposing children to books and illustrations is a great way to introduce them to language and art. By doing this, you will help build their vocabulary and help them get ready to learn once they enter school.

Use your phone as a way to sooth your baby when you are out and about. Download a white-noise ambient into your phone. You can then place your phone in your little one’s car seat or stroller. The many sounds that this app provides will sooth your baby for a long time.

child-seperation-anxietyWhen you say you’re going to do something, like a punishment, do NOT waiver. The second you give in and revoke a punishment your child will know you can be broken. If you stick to what you say then your warnings will be heeded as the child will know you go through with your word.

Begin enforcing discipline techniques when your child is very young. Even if you think that your child can’t understand what you are teaching them, it is extremely important for you to begin establishing positive behaviors at an early age. It is very hard to change a negative behavior once it has developed.

When you are parenting along with someone else you have to respect the fact that they may handle certain situations differently than you will. Never second guess them in front of the child because that will cause confusion and result in your child being in the middle of conflict.

An handsome Indian boy learning music with an electric pianoLimit your young child’s TV time to no more than a few hours a week, if any. Studies have shown that a child’s mind is really not active when they are watching TV, because TV watching is a passive activity. TV watching does not exercise the brain. Instead, engage them in constructive activities which requires them to interact.

In summary, if you wish to get ahead of the game then learn all that you can about parenting now. It is crucial that you ingest this knowledge now, before it is time to actually implement it. We look also their health this is very important in every parents check this link to learn what is the best tools to help us in taking care of our love ones or you can directly visit to know important information and product descriptions.  When you have kids, there will be no time to sit down and open a guide book.


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Effective Parenting Skills You Must Know About

baby-17369_640Do you feel like your child is out of control? Does it seem like no matter what you attempt, your child will not mind you? Many parents struggle with this problem. However, the below article will give you some tips to help you get your child to listen to you.

A great parenting tip is to always try to be a good role model for your kids. If you tell your kids to do something or behave in a certain way, they’ll expect you to do the same. If you’re not practicing what you’re preaching, your parental efforts will be in vain.

Do not feel ashamed if you want to take parenting classes. These classes are made to help parents cope with the stresses and difficult decisions that come with parenting. By taking these classes, you are showing that you are willing to do whatever it takes in order to improve your parenting skills.

Two funny kids jumping on a outdoor trampoline.If your toddler is having a tantrum, one of the most effective ways to get them to calm down is to minimize other noise and activity. Do not try to pick up your child; use a little table or chair and a blanket to make a small tent that he can go under. Give him a familiar object and let him relax.

If you are a new mom of twins, ASK FOR HELP! Not asking for help is one of the worst things that moms of twins do. Having newborn twins is not the same as having one baby. Take anyone and every one’s offer of help whether doing some grocery shopping, running the dishwasher, or just sitting with the sleeping babies for you to get a break. You will be a better mom for it.

Use your smart phone to soothe your baby with noise. You can download a white noise application and then place the phone near your child. This is particularly useful if you are going for a walk or if your child is riding in the car. You do not have to use white noise; there are a wide range of other calming sounds available.

If you have a baby that is not easily soothed, consider rubbing a bit of lavender essential oil on the back of your neck. The baby will smell this when you are rocking her and it will have quite the soothing effect on her. You may even want to put a couple drops of lavender baby lotion on your baby’s blanket.

Mother And Child Showing Thumb Up Gesture In Car Safety SeatA great parenting tip is to check up on your child sometimes and ask them if there’s anything wrong when they’re behaving strange. Sometimes kids won’t just come out and say that they’re having a hard time. As a parent, taking that extra step can go a long way in building a great relationship with your child.

Therefore, it is possible to make your child listen to you. If you apply these tips, you will finally have some control back. You will not have to worry about your child throwing a tantrum that you can’t stop. Now, you have the knowledge you need to raise a well-behaved child. There is also a great partner in preparing you kids food in school visit this link for more information or you can directly visit their amazon page at

You can also watch this video for some tips.

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Advice To Help You Every Day As A Parent

baby-17327_640Goal delineation is an inescapable task of parenthood. We delineate goals to achieve even the simplest of tasks. We also delineate them for the more complex tasks. This article will provide several tips that will prove invaluable in helping achieve those goals, and in some cases at least, even delineate them.

Young child boy playing soccer during organized league gameOne of the best ways for you to bond with your child is to play with them. Play all sorts of games – board games, sports, pretend games, etc. Enter the child’s world and have fun! This simple bonding technique can have lasting effects into adulthood for your child.

Use clothes or items from the mother to wrap a bottle in if the baby is having trouble getting used to drinking from it. The smell of mom in the clothing will help calm the baby because he will associate it with his mother, thus making him more likely to give it a try.

A great parenting tip is to not try and lay guilt on your child all the time. If you are always trying to make your child feel guilty for something they have done or haven’t done, your child will develop a complex and will greatly resent you for it.

Never administer medication to your child for any “off-label” conditions unless the child’s doctor has given you specific written instructions to do so. Children do not always react to medication in the same way adults do. For instance, giving a child Benadryl to help induce sleep might actually have the opposite effect of hyperactivity.

When your children quarrel, take the opportunity to teach them to respect the other child’s personal boundaries, to help resolve the problem. You can help them learn to respect personal boundaries by first giving them the words to express their own boundaries. Your child can then protect his or her boundaries by moving away from the problem.

Students Outdoors Eating Lunch (Selective Focus)When trying to get your kids to eat their food while they are being stubborn, it is very important to try and make the process fun for them. They don’t yet understand the great tastes and necessities of eating, so the only thing you as a parent can rely on, is that they have fun!

Give your children praise for the things they do well. It is natural to notice negative behaviors instead of positive ones. However, if a child does not feel like they are receiving positive reinforcement for the good things they do, they are more likely to engage in negative behaviors to get attention.

cute-girl-clear-skin-acneAlthough it may be uncomfortable for you, it is vital that you teach your teenager about sex as early as possible. It is better that they learn the information from you rather than another source. Also, you are able to teach them how to protect themselves before they become sexually active.

By delineating goals we provide direction not just for our children but also for us. Simply knowing how to delineate a goal is insufficient. We must also know how to go about achieving that goal. This article should prove invaluable in teaching us how to do both. Goals are meaningless unless we know how to attain them.



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Tips To Help You Be A Better Parent

silhouette-84825_640Each child is unique, much like a snowflake. Children have their own likes and dislikes, temper or calmness, and you need to adjust your parenting style to work with their listening style. Here are some ideas given to us by parents who have raised their children and survived check out this link

Instead of buying a baby bath tub, just use the kitchen sink. The kitchen sink is the perfect size and depth to bathe your young child in. It’s also a great height so you won’t end up with a sore back after bath time. When your child outgrows the kitchen sink, they’ll likely be ready to move on to the regular bath tub.

If you have kids, have your home tested for lead. Young kids put just about everything in their mouth. When they accidentally ingest paint that has lead in it, they can become very sick and in some cases, they can even die. If you think your child may have ingested lead, bring them to the doctor to get a blood test.

A great parenting tip is to encourage your child to participate in sports. By encouraging your child to participate in sports, you’re helping them socialize and stay fit at the same time. It can also be a great way to bond because they’ll remember how you always went to their games.

woman-laptop-internet-credit-repairThe internet can have a big influence on teenagers today. They can end up spending a lot of time on online social media and watching internet videos. It is important to regulate what your teen has access to, to ensure they are getting influenced by appropriate information. You should move the computer into a family area for more control. You will see a positive difference in your teen.

Be friends with your child on any social media sites to help you monitor their other friends and activities. While some kids may complain about their parent being able to see everything they post, remind them that social media accounts are a privilege and not a right. Being friends on-line is a non-intrusive way to keep an eye on their activities.

Birthday Gifts  Wrapped in Fancy and Colorful Papers 105879When birthdays or other gift giving holidays come around, instead of taking your child shopping, help them make a present. Not only will your child get to be creative and give a unique gift, but you’ll get to spend quality time together. This is especially good if the present is for the child’s other parent or another relative.

For an alternative to traditional timeouts, make a “mind jar” by filling a mason jar with water and a scoop of glitter. Tighten the lid securely. When your child needs some time to reflect on his or her actions or feels angry, shake the jar to stir the glitter, and have your child sit and hold the jar as he or she watches the glitter fall to the bottom. By the time the glitter settles, your child’s mood will have settled, too.

Your children are precious, but aren’t really like a snowflake. They won’t melt if you do the wrong thing, so feel free to read this to experiment with your parenting style until you find something that works . Kids are amazingly resilient, so supply lots of hugs and kisses when things do go wrong and everything will be okay in the end!

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How To Avoid Common Parenting Mistakes When Raising Teenagers

Weekend FishingParenting is one of the great human adventures. It is also one of the most common ones. This is definitely a good thing. Tons of information is available for new parents just starting this adventure. This article will convey some brief ideas that might prove helpful in the complex process of raising children.

A great parenting tip is to always try to be a good role model for your kids. If you tell your kids to do something or behave in a certain way, they’ll expect you to do the same. If you’re not practicing what you’re preaching, your parental efforts will be in vain.

If your child becomes upset while traveling in the car, try giving them a magnetic toy to play with and bring also a useful stuff to monitor their health check this link to read more about it or you can directly visit their amazon page to know it better. Use a cookie sheet or cake pan and put a variety of magnetic toys on it. This should keep your child entertained even if you have to stop at a light or slow down for traffic.

Use your smart phone as a baby monitor. If you are visiting someone’s home or you are on vacation and do not have your monitor, you can download an application that will let your phone function as a monitor. If the baby makes a noise, your phone will call a number that you put into the application.

Happy mothers and their babies eating in the outdoorsWhen dealing with other parents, don’t assume that all households raise their children in the same manner. Home life can change from family to family and the expectation of one nuclear unit isn’t always the right path. Many divergent lifestyles exist out there, whether due to religion, personal moral beliefs, or traditional methods of raising their children.

You must be consistent when it comes to rewards AND punishments. If your daughter gets in trouble for coming home past curfew, but your son only gets a slap on the wrist, your daughter will see the unfairness and rebel. Treat all your children equally, both for good activities and bad ones.

In order to increase the chances of a child’s success in school, parents should be an invested part of the education process. This can happen in many different forms. At the very least, parents should be aware of what the child is learning in school and try to help with things like homework, when applicable. Parents should also attend parent teacher meetings and if time permits, join the PTA. It is important that the parents are aware of how their child is doing in school, so that they can resolve any issues that may come up, as quickly as possible.

Loving couple having fun on the beachFor better parenting performance, you should remember that your life as a parent and as a worker are not separate. If your job tends to give you stress, avoid taking that stress out on your children at all costs. When a parenting situation tempts you to be angry or disappointed, keep in mind the other stressful factors in your life that may contribute to your attitude.

It is important to remember that there are nearly as many ways to raise children as there are children in the world. If this article’s tips are not useful for one particular set of parents, there is plenty of alternative information out there. It is up to parents to choose the right parenting strategies for their particular situations.
